
Favorite Memory #5

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Getting to visit you more often this last year has been amazing. I loved being able to do even the most mundane things with you, like go grocery shopping. The lady staring at me in the parking lot is still hands down on of my favorite memories. But even going to Walmart with you in the bitter cold and watch you deliberate over the price of green peppers was so much fun to me. I know I can be with you forever because I can't imagine not getting excited about doing things like that with you. And I know eventually we'll have been together long enough that the novelty will wear off a little, but I know a small part of me will always go "Wow, I get run errands with one of my favorite people in the entire world. How lucky am I". I'd like to think I'm really lucky.
I'm also pretty happy I'll never have to go grocery shopping in 5 degree weather ever again.
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